A Little More Each Day

One working mama learning to run & to maintain my 100+ pound weight loss!

Saturday Coffee Date: My baby’s broken, so I definitely need this!

on April 4, 2015

I’m sitting here looking at my poor broken baby (who is going to be fine, I know) and feeling a little down, so I definitely need a coffee date today. And maybe a little bit of something stronger tipped into my coffee?

At least I can take comfort in knowing I'm a lot more disturbed by this than he is at the moment.

At least I can take comfort in knowing I’m a lot more disturbed by this than he is at the moment.

This morning O fell off a dining chair and twisted his leg somehow under the chair as he fell, breaking it in two places. It was a freak little accident and we’re lucky that he’s just casted, with no pins or anything. I’ve been really good all morning, calm and collected through the ER and everything else. I just got back from a run where I think things maybe got a little too cathartic. O seemed okay and about to settle down for a nap, so I went out for my planned Saturday run. I felt guilty for leaving him for the first ten minutes, forgot all about it somehow the next twenty minutes in thinking about the run and spent the last thirty minutes feeling guilty again for forgetting, heartbroken that my baby is broken, and worried that somehow things won’t heal well. I guess it’s better to get that angst out of my system away from him so it doesn’t make him worried. I still feel a little raw. I could definitely use some coffee with a little something extra today. πŸ™‚ I’ll settle for some decaf.
Ultimate-Coffee-Date-Badge-300x300It’ll be interesting sorting out logistics of a 3.5 year old in a cast for the next few weeks. Fingers crossed that daycare can accommodate him!

What else is going on in our little world these days?

– Oliver’s school is having “parent show & tell” on Friday and I have no idea what to bring. They suggested bringing one of our old toys. The only old toy of mine I have is my old Cabbage Patch Doll (one child of the 80s here!) and O says I can’t bring her because Baby Doll belongs to him now. He has totally appropriated her, which is sweet and means I spent one night this week fixing her hair because it had fallen out of its ratty ponytail. Oliver thinks I should bring some of my RunDisney medals. We’ll see what I can come up with between now and then. Any ideas?

Yarn hair is surprisingly difficult to wrangle.

Yarn hair is surprisingly difficult to wrangle.

– I discovered a yummy pear cider at happy hour with my husband last night. It was such a perfectly springy drink!

I need to check the local shops to figure out where we can get some of this stuff. :)

I need to check the local shops to figure out where we can get some of this stuff. πŸ™‚

– I’m definitely in a spring cleaning mode. Next on the list is getting rid of the stack of magazines in the corner. I have a constant stack of things flagged that I’m going to cook or do around the house or buy or whatever. My goal for the month is to get rid of that stack and to deal with any magazines when I read them. I can use Pinterest to keep track of anything I want to refer to later, after all. πŸ™‚

Mostly, today I need mama hugs and reassurance and maybe a nice distraction. What’s going on in your world today?

Thanks to Coco, Lynda and Deborah for hosting the link up! Be sure to check out what everyone else is up to.





11 responses to “Saturday Coffee Date: My baby’s broken, so I definitely need this!

  1. Poor baby! Kids are so much more resilient then us adults aren’t they! That cider looks great!

    • I keep reminding myself of that. In a few days he’ll be back to his normal self. I just ache for him until then but know I’ll be back to getting annoyed with him soon enough. πŸ™‚

  2. Coco says:

    My son broke his leg when he was 1 1/2, going down a slide! The cast didn’t bother him at all — and barely slowed him down. I definitely think you should take your medals — you may inspire some new runners! Thanks for joining the Coffee Date!

    • On the plus side, he now wants to grow up to be a bone doctor. πŸ™‚ That’s a more productive choice than dinosaur, which he wanted to be last week.

      Sent from my iPhone


  3. Awww, poor kiddo! Kids do really well with the casts and they heal really quickly. Hang in there mama!

  4. Aww poor sweet boy! Thinking of him and you and hopefully he will heal quickly!

  5. […] Saturday Coffee Date: My baby’s broken, so I definitely need this! Apr […]

  6. Poor kid! He seems to be taking it well. The freak accidents that happen to kids are nuts! My brother fell off of a couch when he was a kid and broke his arm. Sometimes kids are so unbreakable and sometimes they are so fragile!

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