A Little More Each Day

One working mama learning to run & to maintain my 100+ pound weight loss!

Weight Milestones

When I started the journey to lose over a hundred pounds, it was a terrifying prospect and hard to find people who I felt like would understand and who had done this, with this much to lose. It’s hard to be honest about how heavy I’d gotten (and I know from pictures that I was 300 lbs plus at times I was afraid of the scale) but if my honesty with these numbers helps anyone else, it’s worth it. We all have different amounts to lose and different reasons for losing it, but it isn’t easy for anyone and we should be able to be open and helpful and supportive of each other.

Highest documented non-pregnancy weight (although I know from pictures I was heavier than this for a long time: 284 lbs, 3/26/10

Maximum pregnancy weight: 288.5 lbs, 8/8/11 (maintaining my weight during pregnancy was my first clue that I actually could control my weight!)

Lowest part-partum weight (pre-Weight Watchers): 254.5 lbs, 11/21/11 Thank goodness for breast feeding!

Weight Watchers starting weight: 274.6 lbs, 7/5/12

Weight Watchers Goal weight: 163.4 lbs, 7/6/13

Weight Watchers Lifetime: 164.8 lbs, 8/12/13

3 responses to “Weight Milestones

  1. Mademoiselle says:

    You look fantastic! Well done!

  2. […] well your favorites matched up with my own. Not surprisingly, my “About Me” and “Weight Milestones” posts were at the top of the list for views as they’re flagged on the homepage. More […]

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