A Little More Each Day

One working mama learning to run & to maintain my 100+ pound weight loss!

New running toys for Christmas!

on December 28, 2013

I was apparently a very good girl this year because I got lots of new running toys for Christmas! I’ve already taken some of them out for a test run and can’t wait to try out the rest of them.

We’re considering our trip to Disney our Christmas gift to each other, so my husband and I agreed to do just stockings for each other this year. Neither of us are very good at following instructions, so we both had overflow boxes for each other of course but at least we stuck to stocking-type gifts in principle. He’d filled my stocking with lots of great new running toys, including two new pairs of socks (I really love the Feetures wool socks) and a big handful of salted caramel Gu’s.

imageimageHe also got me a new pair of running gloves and a princess themed “13.1” decal for my car for after I finish the Princess Half Marathon.


I got several new running related books, including the Train Like a Mother training guide, the Runner’s World cookbook and a memoir Running Like a Girl. I’ll be sure to update you guys with reviews of these after I play with them a bit. I also got a yoga for runners book (and have already flipped through it to try some of the series – very nice!) and a yin yoga DVD.


I added a new set of sleeves, ear warmers and a shrug to my collection as well. Thanks to everyone for so many great new things! I’m looking forward to playing with it all. Did Santa bring you any fun new fitness toys?

11 responses to “New running toys for Christmas!

  1. leannenalani says:

    Fun! I always think it’s exciting to get new books, but I don’t get physical books anymore so it’s not quite as exciting. Amazon gift cards are not quite the same as getting a physical book!

  2. Nice! I want to try that salted caramel so bad! I am probably going to cave and buy a box on amazon but was worried I might not like it. I love the chocolate outrage, that’s what I have right now.

  3. Awesome goodies! 🙂 Your hubby did good! I love the 13.1 princess decal! I can’t wait to put a pink 13.1 decal on my car in April after my half! I must try the salted caramel GU’s; I’ve heard nothing but good things about them! Great books, too! I’m almost ready to start Train Like a Mother, almost finished with Run Like a Mother!

    • I’m looking forward to getting into Train Like a Mother. I think after I get my first half under my belt I’ll be using it to figure out how to start some speed work.

      • I need to do the same at some point in 2014 (incorporate speed work), but I am being a bit of a procastinator. 🙂 I keep saying I need to just work on the running first, before doing speed works and hills, etc, but at some point I need to suck it up and do it! Like you said, though, I’m going to wait until after my half to start.

      • I’m glad I am not trying to figure out speed work while I’m doing this training. I get nervous enough about each new distance! I think in the spring I’ll start working on it in earnest. I like the looks of the Train Like a Mother 5K Own It plan so I may start shopping around for a spring 5K soon.

  4. Lauren says:

    Yay for new running gear!! I’ve heard that those salted caramel Gu’s are very yummy!

  5. […] of my Christmas gifts was the book “Running Like a Girl” by Alexandra Heminsley. The author is a journalist, […]

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